Saturday, 31 December 2016

new year resolutions for 2017

So this post will be for my personal resolution and some are related to this blog. A lot will change for me next year. Some for the better some for me to learn from. It will be turbulent so my blog will also have some changes. I do hope that I can look back next year with a smile on my face and remeber all the good things just like I am doing right now with 2016.

The bigest change that will happen next year is that I'll move abread. I'll move to Japan for 10 months next year. This will have such a big inlfuence on my life that I do not know whether or not I will be able to update regulary on my blog. My goal is to update twice a week but the days may vary wrom week to week. I hope you can understand that.

I also want to make a Youtube channel to show everyone about my life in Japan and all the places I'll visit. How it is going to look like, I am not sure yet. I still have some time to think about it.

Before I leace on my adventure I want to lose a little bit of weigth. No I am not fat or anything like that. I just know from my previous experience that I gained a lot of weight last time. So i know that I'll gain some weight again so in order to prevent from getting to fat I want to lose a bit before I go.

The previous resolution is related to my next one. While I am in Japan I want to exercise. I am not yet sure how. It can be jogging or going to a gym. All I know is that I want to try to exercise at least twice a week. To add to that I want to try to eat a bit healthy when I am living on my own. I tend to be lazy when I am y myself so this time I'll try to stay active and healthy.

I want to travel a bit. Where? I am not sure yet. All I know is that I want to visit places that I have not yet been before. Let's see where I'll go.

I am sure there are way more things that I want to achieve next year but these are right now the most important to me.

What are your resolutions for next year?

See you next year,

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