Friday, 17 July 2015


I bought these items since I started this blog up until now. So it might be a lot. I didn’t put the prices everywhere since don’t remember all of them. The ones I do remember are under the pictures. All prices are in euros.

Mother’s day 
These were my presents to my mother for mother’s day. It was a jar with all the ingredients to make cookies and some pots to grow your own herbs in.
I bought cleaning products for my face since I ran out of my last product. I bought a whole set since I found out that this brand (yves-rocher) works really well with my skin. From the same brand (Yves rocher) i bought a eyebrow pencil and a brush and a lipstick in my favorite colour #12 morron glace
These Sally Handson nail polishes were bought to review for this blog. I already had one colour but I thought it wasn’t enough to write an entire article about so I bought another 2 colours that I saw that I really liked. #480 wine stock & #290 grey matters

I bought a foundation since I have completely used my old one. I haven’t used this one before so maybe I will make a review of it.
I also bought this lipstick it is from the homebrand of this drugstore and I bought it to see if the colour matches.
I bought these pajama bottems since I really wanted some new ones to wear when I have a lazy day or just an evening on the couch.
I bought this top with this neckless at H&M when I was walking around in the city. Recently my other necklaces’ broke and I felt my outfits weren’t complete without a neckless so I bought a new one. And while I was there I saw this top of which I really liked the beading at the top.
see you next time,

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