Friday, 29 January 2016

Things i want to buy this year

The year has just begun but I already have seen so many things that I would like to have. So now I will show you some of the things that I would like to get this year.

First I would like to finally get some mac lipsticks

The colors that I am interested in are:

v  Diva

v  Faux

v  Crème in your coffee

v  Kinda sexy

I would also like to buy some more nail polishes and even some clear fake nails to practice nail art without directly having to apply it on my nails.

Also I came across some interesting products on a website that caught my eye.

A Japanese brand canmake has put a lipgloss on the market that looks like a clear lipgloss but once you apply it, it changes color. Depending on how moisturized your lips are, the darker the color gets. So on me it could become a slight pink color but on a friend it cound be more like a red color. I am looking forward to getting my hands on this product.

I also came across a blue lip pencil that once you apply it and you whip it top layer off, it becomes red. This is something that I want to try myself to see if it works.

Also I want to buy some colored lenses to try out new eye colors.

What is on your whishlist for this year?

See you next time,


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